Kappas vaan, palvelija on löytäny taas Eija Koposen tekemän tuotteen.
Servant has again found a product made by Eija Koponen.
Rudi, onko sulla lupa mennä sinne?
Rudi, do you have permission to go in the backpack?
Rudi, ihan oikeesti, tää on palvelijan reppu.
Rudi, it's servant's backpack.
Mä suljen vetoketjun.
I close the zipper.
Siellä oot ja pysyt.
There you are and you will stay.
Mua ei lukita reppuun jollen mä halua.
You won't lock me in a backpack if I don't want to.
Aivan kuin mun edessä tapeltaisiin taas...
Just as if there was a fight in front of me again...
Anteeksi Pate.
Sorry Pate.